User agreement

PUBLIC OFFER AGREEMENT The following text is a contract between an online store whose website is hosted on the network Internet at the address Ritter Program OÜ, hereinafter referred to as "Online Store", and by the user services of the online store, hereinafter referred to as "Buyer", and determines the conditions of purchase and sale goods by the Buyer through the website of the online store. 1. General provisions 1.1. This contract is a public offer contract (in accordance with Articles 633, 641 and Chapter 63 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), its conditions are the same for all buyers, regardless of status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur). 1.2. In case of acceptance of the terms of this contract, i.e. the public offer of the online store, the user becomes a Buyer. 2. Terms and definitions 2.1. Online store - "Ritter Program OÜ", established in accordance with the Law of Ukraine, what operates a website located on the Internet at the address Ritter Program OÜ 2.2. Product - the list of products published on the website of the online store. 2.3. The buyer is a natural person who has reached the age of eighteen, who receives information from An online store that places orders for the search, assembly and reservation of Goods that presented on the website of the online store, for purposes not related to the implementation of business activity, or a legal entity / individual entrepreneur. 2.4. Order - the Buyer's application, addressed to the online store, for searching, assembly and reservation of Goods, for their further purchase by the Buyer. 2.5. A site is a set of pages that can be accessed using a web browser, and software modules, united by a single control system, located on the Internet for at the address Ritter Program OÜ, and contains all the signs of a public offer from search, configuration and reservation of Goods selected by the Buyer on the website. 2.8. Personal account - a space on the Site, to which the Buyer has access, in which he reflects his personal information and history of Orders placed by him. 3. Subject of the contract 3.1. This contract defines the procedure for interaction and the conditions for the provision of services by the online store The buyer, based on his desire, desire and ability to use search services, assembly and reservation of Goods, as well as on the desire of the online store to provide the Buyer the information he needs, to find and complete the Goods according to the Buyer's Order, and reserve them for further purchase by the Buyer. 3.2. The online store provides the following services to the Buyer: 3.2.1. Search, assembly and reservation of Goods on the basis of the Order issued by the Buyer on the Site and confirmed by the online store 3.3. The online store sells and delivers Goods using courier services deliveries indicated on the website of the online store based on the Buyers' applications left on the Website and confirmed by the online store. The prices for the Goods indicated on the Site include the cost search, assembly and reservation services for Buyers' goods, unless otherwise specified in confirmation of the Application. 3.4. The buyer agrees to the terms of this contract at the time of placing the Order by clicking on the "Confirm order" button, which expresses the Buyer's confirmation of reading the text of this agreement and agreement with its terms. In the future, objections from the Buyer to the provision of such by way of its consent relieves the online store from any kind of responsibility for non-fulfilment terms of this contract and reserves the right for the online store to cancel the Order unilaterally of order 4. Rules for working with the Site 4.1. The buyer can view the content of the Site, place an order, and also use others its services. 4.2. Registration is required for Buyer access to personalized information and provision additional possibilities of working with the Site. 4.3. When registering, the Buyer enters the following data: · Full name · Phone number · Email address 4.4. The buyer undertakes to provide true, accurate and complete information about himself. The online store is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information left By the buyer when placing the Order. 4.5. The buyer undertakes not to inform third parties of the access parameters specified in ordered If the Buyer suspects unauthorized use by third parties such parameters, the Buyer undertakes to immediately notify the online store, by sending an email to info@Ritter Program OÜ . 4.6. The buyer is responsible for any actions taken on the Site on his behalf. 4.7. The online store has the right to refuse the Buyer to use the services of the online store, if he has reason to believe that the Buyer has provided inaccurate data, as well as provided dishonest behavior (for example, violation of the terms of this contract, etc.). 4.8. It is forbidden to use the Site in illegal and prohibited activities. Buyers The online store agrees to abide by the laws of Ukraine and the norms of behavior adopted in the Internet, namely, but not limited to, posting on the site materials of extremist, of a pornographic or other nature affecting and/or infringing honor, dignity and/or business the reputation of third parties and violate generally accepted norms of morality, as well as to post advertising information without the permission of the online store. 5. Order processing procedure 5.1. The Buyer places the Order on the Site independently, by adding the selected Goods to virtual shopping cart and clicking the "Checkout" button. 5.2. Registered buyers can place an Order for Goods, as well as through the "Quick order". 6. Payment procedure 6.1. The buyer acquires the Goods specified in the order posted on the Site, and also pays services of the online store on the terms agreed by the parties and confirmed by the online store Buyer's order: - On the conditions of prepayment to the online store account specified in the order; - At the time of receipt of the Goods at the courier service branch. - Online payment by card through the Ipay payment system 6.2. The total cost of the Order, including the full cost of the Goods and services of the Online Store, is equal to the amount to be paid and is indicated on the Site at the time of registration and at the time of posting Order. 7. Conditions of return. 7.1. Return and exchange of other goods to end users that are not included in the list mentioned above, is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. 7.2. Act of return of goods for an individual via the link. 8. Confidentiality and protection of personal data 8.1. When registering on the Site, the Buyer leaves personal and contact data specified in clause 4.3. of this agreement, but are not limited to it. 8.2. By providing personal data on the Site when registering or placing an Order, the Buyer gives his voluntary consent to the processing and use (including transfer) of his personal data without limiting the term of such consent in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "About protection of personal data" dated June 1, 2010 8.3. The online store uses the received personal data to provide the services defined herein contract, for the promotion of services provided by the Internet store, including with help automated processing of personal data. 8.4. The online store undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Buyer. Not is considered a violation of the Internet store's provision of information to agents and third parties acting on on the basis of the contract with the online store, including for the fulfillment of obligations to the Buyer, as well as in cases where disclosure of such information is established by legislative requirements. 8.5. If the Buyer does not want the online store to continue processing personal data, then The buyer must apply to the support service. In this case, the Buyer will not be able to continue to use the services of the online store. 8.6. The buyer is responsible for keeping his personal data up-to-date. The online store is not responsible for poor performance of its obligations in connection with the irrelevance of information about the Buyer or its inconsistency. 9. Information messages 9.1. When ordering on the Ritter Program OÜ website, the Buyer gives the Internet store consent to receiving information messages from the online store and its partners acting on the basis of the contract with the online store, using the short message service (SMS) and e-mail. 9.2. At any time, the Buyer has the right to refuse to receive such mailing, wrote to email info@Ritter Program OÜ. 10. Rules for using materials posted on the Site 10.1. The site contains materials, trademarks, trade names and other protected by law materials, including but not limited to text, photographs, graphics, music and sound works. 10.2. The entire content of the Site is protected by the legislation of Ukraine. 10.3. The buyer has no right to use the materials posted on the Site, such as: make changes, publish, transfer to third parties, participate in sale or assignment, create secondary documents, etc. 11. Other conditions 11.1. This contract is concluded on the territory of Ukraine and is subject to the material law of Ukraine. 11.2. The invalidity of any clause or part of this contract does not lead to the invalidity of the contract as a whole 11.3. All disputes arising between the Buyer and the online store are resolved through negotiations In case of failure to reach a settlement of the disputed issue, the Buyer or the online store can apply for a resolution of the dispute to the judicial authorities in accordance with the current legislation. 11.4. The online store has the right to make changes to the text of this contract at its own discretion at any time and without prior notice to Buyers. Current (current) version of the contract always available on the Site.